Jenny DevilDoll Gonzalez-Blitz writes: What was I overmedicated on when I came up with this?!?
Jenny’s just as active as ever. Check out her blog for her comics, paintings, performances, rants and rats.
Frank Cho was the target of much ridicule in the small press comics community following his contentious role in the 1999 Ignatz Awards. I think he made some dismissive comments about minicomics as well? Maybe? I don’t remember exactly, but it sure seemed important to us at the time.
Matdongsan is Haitai’s most popular product, or at least its best known. It made The Korea Blog’s listicle of Top 10 Korean Snacks, at any rate. Someone must have taken another stab at translating the above quote, because Haitai’s website now claims “The people have endlessly loved Matdongsan for over 28 years.”  According to this article, it’s been around since 1975 — better tack on another decade of love to that figure.